Unifi Protocol is proud to announce a partnership with the ACryptoS community

Unifi Protocol
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2021


UNIFI Super Pair to benefit from dual farming!

Unifi Protocol is proud to announce a partnership with the ACryptoS community!

To celebrate this partnership, ACS will be having a series of events, with a huge amount of rewards waiting to be earned for uTrade liquidity providers!

The Main Event — Additional Rewards to the UNIFI-BNB Super Pair!


From 29 July 2021, a DUAL TOKEN REWARDS farm will be launched on ACryptoS.com for staking UNIFI-BNB LP!

ACS’s UNIFI-BNB farm will reward ACS and UNIFI as farm rewards!

1-Week Limited Time Event

That’s not all, there are additional activities besides the Main Event! Users can earn more tokens by doing the following:

From 29 July 9 am to 3 Aug 9 am (UTC), users can earn extra rewards in the following ways:

  • deposit min. $25 in uUNIFI/BNB into the ACryptoS vault, tweet the screenshot with secret hashtag announced during the AMA and stand a chance to win $25
    (15 winners)
  • deposit min. $25 in uACS/BNB into the ACryptoS vault, tweet the screenshot with secret hashtag, stand a chance to win $25
    (15 winners)

Join our social media to ensure you have the latest information Unifi Telegram Unifi Twitter Unifi Reddit. This promotion will be managed by the ACryptoS team.

Double the Rewards, Double the AMA

Coming up also is the AMA on Unifi’s channel with the ACryptoS team. You’ll have an opportunity to learn about ACryptoS and how to earn even more from the UNIFI Super Pair!

Date of AMA: 29 July, 1pm UTC.

Place: Unifi’s Telegram channel

And then -

Co-founder of the Unifi Protocol Juliun Brabon will join BKT in the ACryptoS Telegram channel.

Date of AMA: July 30th 1AM UTC

Place: ACryptoS Telegram Channel

About ACryptoS

ACryptoS offers 3 products on Binance Smart Chain:

- yield optimizer: ACS Vaults

- next-gen AMM: ACSI Finance

- stablecoin DEX: ACSI StableSwap

Tokenomics and fees are designed for sustainability and longer term staking, rewarding long term holders of our ACS and ACSI native tokens. For more info, https://www.acryptos.com

Unifi Protocol and uTrade can be found at https://www.unifiprotocol.com.

Connect with the Unifi community on Telegram, Twitter, Reddit or Medium.

Stake UNIFI, earn rewards, and be part of the Global Unifi Protocol DAO governance. https://gov.unifiprotocol.com/my-dashboard.

For additional information on forming partnerships, developing on the Unifi Protocol, or using Unifi Protocol to support your project’s goals, email us! contact@unifiprotocol.com

Communications from Unifi are subject to Unifi’s standard terms and conditions, which can be found here.



Unifi Protocol

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